Friday, January 29, 2010

Those Random Spurts of Passion

...there has to be a CORRECT way to live or something...

..because when you tell people how you feel about certain things sometimes, they tell you that you shouldn't feel that way, or they give you all of these reasons why you should feel different... it not okay to exist sometimes, to just simply "be," to just simply live? why do you always have to be passionate about something? And why does that specific passion HAVE to determine the course of your life? Why do we always have to be OVER-DEFINED by what we're interested in? Or things we have found a liking for?

...and why do people talk to you like that is THE ONLY thing you are cut out to do? Like they know you down to a "T" or something...when you barely even know yourself. It feels like they're ruling out every other option for you, even though you know better.

I dont simply want to be defined by my profession will be something I do...not something "I AM"...why do we have to be defined by our work? As if there isn't this whole other part of our lives that exist.


..if I just want to sit there and think?

...if I purposely think about something, I "shouldn't"?

...if I decide to give up everything that you think is "me" and then claim that I have "changed" can you "change" if you dont know what you are? When everyday you have to PERFORM this type of role...and FIT IN as that ACTOR...

..because we are a construction of our society... you really think this is the girl I would be if I lived in Haiti, or Brazil, or Antarctica...

....I want to ask. How much of really YOU?

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